Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ancient Wine Making Process

I really love history and I also love wine making. Being and to put both of them together is a real treat. I came across and article about how the Romans made wine. The author, Nick Squires, does an incredible job at painting a picture of how the process was carried out back then. Its amazing how with technology is ever changing that it has affected wine making so greatly. I wonder how the wine of the Romans compares to the wines of today? I would like to research the entire process and make a batch their way to test that out.

History of wine making

I really had no idea how long wine making has been going on, but after reading this article found here at I am amazed by the findings. I knew the process has been going for a long time but not that long. Its amazing to think that we are a constructive part of the history of wine making. Just imagine a thousand years from now people will be reading our data and looking at how archaic our methods are.

How to make wine at home!

There is a lot of information located on Jack Keller's main wine making page. I have located a very short and condensed set of instructions that could possibly help people learn the basis of wine making before trying to attempt harder versions. The author, Carl Hanson, does a wonderful job of guiding through the process from start to finish. He even adds in an equipment list to help you get started. He consolidated everything down into 3 parts which can help understand the process. I hope you all enjoy.

Steps using a Wine Kit

I that most people just starting out have tried to use a wine kits before and I'm sure that they had no idea how to do it correctly. I came across a video series on Youtube that walks you though the stpes of making wine at home from a wine kit. I hope you enjoy.

First Video - Starting a Wine Kit

Second Video - Degassing/Primary Fermentation

Great Wine Recipes

I found several new recipes that are delicious and has something to offer for every person. These recipes can be found at I haven’t tried them all yet but I am excited about making these and seeing how they turn out. I am especially excited to try the dandelion wine recipe. It looks like it will be challenging, but the end result should be worth it.

Ancient Wine Making Process

I really love history and I also love wine making. Being and to put both of them together is a real treat. I came across and article about h...