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Welcome to our site. You have reached the one stop resource for all of your wine making needs. Are you just starting out making wine or are you a more seasoned wine maker? Are you looking for recipes? Are you looking supplies? No matter your needs or your skill level, we have it all. We have information pertaining to the wine making process from start to finish, lots of recipes, and links for purchasing any supplies you could want or need. As your looking over the information provided and you spot and error or bad information, please bring to our attention by using the Contact menu. If you just want to leave a comment about the site, that can be accomplished the same way. We also have a Blog, where you can bring your questions, concerns, or information to share with everyone. The only thing I ask is please be friendly and respectful to each other. Wine making is an art and we each have our own ways of doing it.

Ancient Wine Making Process

I really love history and I also love wine making. Being and to put both of them together is a real treat. I came across and article about h...